
Documentation of tracezilla

Best practices for creating SKU codes in tracezilla

When you start implementing tracezilla, you will need to create some Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). SKUs are used in ERP systems to keep track of stock levels internally in the company (inventory management). A SKU contains a lot of information about a specific product and has a unique SKU code (item number).

If you have not created SKUs before in another system and or have not previously had to keep track of the stock of packaging and raw materials, then it can be difficult to create completely new SKU codes. Therefore, we have collected our best tips on do’s and don’ts in relation to creating new SKUs and the associated SKU codes.


Best practices for SKU codes (item numbers) in general:

  • Consisting of either numbers and or letters. Numbers without letters are preferred/recommended. We recommend numbers of 4-5 digits, so it is easy to search for and see in summaries/reports.
  • Avoid special characters or any delimiters like spaces, hyphens, slashes, parentheses, apostrophes as it can confuse software and may not be allowed in the systems that you have integrations to. Delimiters are typically used for coding/programming, and it can therefore be difficult for systems to distinguish.
  • Avoid local letters, e.g. æ, ø, å, ä, ö.
  • Avoid leading zeros, e.g. 000123, as some systems do not read leading zeros and will therefore think that the number is just 123.
  • SKU codes with the same length (digits) looks nicest in overviews and provides good sorting.
  • Feel free to try to map which overall categories of SKU codes you need and use that to design number series.


Requirements for SKU codes in tracezilla:

  • Each individual SKU must have a unique SKU code. tracezilla will generate an error message if a SKU already exists with the same SKU code – you cannot have two identical SKU codes.
  • The SKU code can maximum consist of 16 characters.


Best practices in tracezilla regarding SKU codes:

  • Name raw materials overall - and not according to the supplier’s item number and product description. Feel free to set up partner relationships on the SKU. Ingredients are generally named for use in recipes. If salt can be purchased from three suppliers, one SKU is created for salt and not three.

  • Be specific in naming the finished product. Include information on weight per pcs and certification in the name. For example, Granola with blueberries, 200 g., ECO.

  • It is a good idea to think in number series by category, e.g. finished goods, intermediate products, raw materials and packaging. We use tags for number series suggestions in tracezilla. For number suggestions to work, the number series must be consecutive, consisting only of numbers, and a SKU must not have two tags, each of which is used for SKU code suggestions, e.g. both raw material and finished good tag.
