
Documentation of tracezilla

Integration log

In tracezilla you have an integration log which displays messages which can be related to actions between tracezilla and integration partners. You can view the integration log both from an order perspective and from a total view of all integration messages.

You can read more about integrations in tracezilla here.


How to find the integration logs

The integration log displays all integrations messages and can be used to locate both specific and general messages eg. If a message does not regard a specific order.

  1. Click on you company name in the top right corner and select Integration log in the drop down menu.

  2. You can use the filter Keyword on the left side of the screen to search for a specific order, lot or trace, for example a suppliers SKU number.

  3. In the search result click on a specific row in order to view the complete log message. Here you will also find information that can help you identity where an error has occurred. Such information could be an order number or a SKU number.

  4. A message can be deleted by clicking the red Delete button on the right.


How to find the integration log for a specific order

In the integration log on the order only messages regarding the specific order will be displayed.

1. Go to the order by clicking in the top menu and selecting Orders in the drop down menu. For example on a sales order. Click Sales in the top menu and select Orders in the drop down menu.

2. Find the order, you want to view the integrtation log from. You can use the filter in the left side to search for the order.

3. Click the last of the tabs Integration Logs in the middel of the screen.


This is how you read the columns in the Integration Log

Column header Explanation
App This is the integration partner to which the message relates, eg 3PL Partner or B2B-Backbone.
Severity This is the severity of the message. This can be Info, Warning or Error. If the severity of the message is Info, the integration is working as it should.
Scope This column displays which action the message relates to, for example Order picking.
Log message This message describes the status of the integration related to the Scope.
Created his is the date and the time of the creation of the message.
Created by This is the name of the person who created the order or is the owner of the organization. Most often it will be the owner of the organization because it is a computer creating the message.

