
Documentation of tracezilla


About certificates

There are several systems of certifications within the food industry. Certificates are authenticated documents proving the quality or status of a company or goods.

A certificate is issued by a control body or certification body after inspection of a company. Depending on the certification scheme the certification body is an authority, institution or a private company. 

A company can for example be certified in specific Safety and Quality Standards, certified manufacturer of organic foods, certified to use a specific production method and so on.

Food companies are responsible for obtaining and storing of certificates from their suppliers in order to provide documentation for the status of the goods e.g. organic certification or a certificate of analysis for certain products.

Your company’s certificates can be added the same way as your partners’, and the certificates are shown in each company’s individual partner profile.


Certificate overview

tracezilla provides a system for storing certificates. In the certificate overview you can use the filters to search for specific certificates, certificates issued by a certain control body, expired certificates, or certificates that will expire within a month. The Dashboard widget Certification warnings shows certificates that are expired or about to expire.


How to add certificates

New certificates can be added directly in the certificate overview, or in the in the individual partner profiles. You can also add multiple certificates by using the Import template for partners, where you will find a tab for importing certificates.

  1. Click Partners in the top menu and select Certificates in the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Add certificate in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the certified partner. If you have not already added the partner in tracezilla you can do so by clicking +. Add certificate
  4. Select the certification body partner. If you have not yet added the certification body as a partner, click +.
  5. Select the Certification scheme.
  6. Fill in the fields with information about reference, issuing date, the date from which the certificate is valid, and the date it expires.
  7. If the certificate is publicly accessible, you can insert a link to the certificate.
  8. Click Save.


Add certificate of analysis

If you want to store certificates of analysis for certain lots, you can add the certificate document to the purchase order, and you can add a trace to the lot.

  1. Click Purchase in the top menu and select Orders in the drop-down menu.
  2. Find and click the specific purchase order you want to upload the file (certificate of analysis) to. You can use the filters in the left side of the screen to search for the order.
  3. Click the tab Files.
  4. Click in the field to choose and upload the file.
  5. When the file is uploaded, you can Allow access for the supplier, forwarder and others. When you allow access you allow that the file are send along with documents using e-mail e.g. when sending the order confirmation to the supplier or the delivery note to the forwarder.

If you want the certificate added to the specific lot, you can add the certificate as a trace. Read how and more about traces in the tutorial Traces for traceability.
