
Documentation of tracezilla

Sales report

Here you can see your sales figures broken down by partners, product types, countries, etc. The report also includes figures from sales orders that have not yet been invoiced, as the report is based on sales orders, not invoices. If you want to see what you have invoiced a specific customer for in a specific month, you can instead use the Invoiced report which is based on your invoices.

  1. Click Sales in the top menu and select Sales in the section Reports in the drop-down menu.

  2. You can use the filters on the left. If you are working on a small screen, you can find the filters by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Printer Friendly button. You can filter by Country, Order Tag, Customer, Include subordinates, Customer Tag, Deliver to, Stock keeping Units, SKU Tag, Services, Category, Order date, Pickup date, Delivery date and Owned by. Click the button Apply to activate the filter.
  3. In the tabs above the table you can limit your view. In the tabs you can choose to view your sales By SKU, By SKU Tag, By Country, By Costumer, By Deliver to, By Partner Tag, By Order, By Order month and By Delivery Month. Read about the tab Extraction further down this tutorial.

  4. You can choose to view the report in a printer Friendly Format by clicking Printer Friendly.

  5. You can export the report to Excel by clicking XSLX.

  6. Below you can see what information is displayed in the different columns:



Column name Explanation
SKU Code This is the SKU number of the sold item.
Global Name This is the name specified for the SKU at setup.
Unit of Measure This is the unit of the SKU eg. Colli, kg, liter etc. The unit of measure is selected when setting up the SKU. Read more about units of measure here.
Free Units, UoM This is the number of free Units of measure on sales orders in the selected unit of measure of the SKU.
Costs of Free Units This is the value of the free units of measure based on the price of the other units of the same SKU on the sales order.
Quantity, UoM This is the number of sold units in the selected unit of measure of the SKU.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service lines that might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Hereof discounts This is discounts that might be indicated on the sales order per lot line.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Costs of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc. You can read more about how tracezilla calculates cost prices here.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Gross Profit, Percentage This is the gross profit in percent ie what you have earned from your sold products.


By SKU tag

Column name Explanation
Tags These are the tags associated with the SKU to which the sale is related.

Read more about tags here.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Hereof discounts This is discounts that might be indicated on the sales order per lot line.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Cost of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Gross Profit Percentage This is the gross profit in percent ie what you have earned from your sold products.


By Country

Column name Explanation
Country This is the country of the partner. Here you can how the sale is divided

Here you can see how sales are distributed per. country. This column displays the country to which the sale relates.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Cost of goods: Expected This is the total expected cost price of the SKU including purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc. based on your registrations.
Expected Gross Profit This is how much you earn when the cost is deducted from the revenue.
Distribution costs: Expected These are the expected distribution costs, ie. shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.


By Costumer

Column name Explanation
Partner No. This is the unique partner number in tracezilla. The number is assigned when the partner is created.
Debtor no. This is the debtor number used for identifying the specific partner in your accounting system.
Name This is the customer (the partner) to whom the sales relates. The customer is specified on the individual sales orders.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Cost of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Distribution costs Distribution costs are shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs. The distribution costs listed in this column are expenses that have the category freight.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.


By Deliver To

Column name Explanation
Location no. This is the unique location number assigned by tracezilla at setup.
Partner This is the partner to which the location is connected.
Location name This is the name of the location as entered when adding the location to the partner.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of SKUs / lot lines to this location.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service lineswhich may be on orders for the location. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Cost of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Distribution costs Distribution costs are shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs. The distribution costs listed in this column are expenses that have the category freight.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.


By Partner Tag

Column name Explanation
Tag These are the tags associated to the partner to whom the sale is related.

Read more about tags here
Number of orders This is the number of sales orders per Tag. A partner can be counted multiple times if the partner is associated with multiple tags.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Cost of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Expected Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Distribution costs Distribution costs are shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs. The distribution costs listed in this column are expenses that have the category freight.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.


By Order

Column name Explanation
Order Number This is the number of the sales order. You can use this number to search for the specific sales order in the order view.
Customer This is the costumer specified on the order header of the sales order.
Delivery Date This is the delivery date specified under Delivery Details in the order header of the sales order.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Cost of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Distribution costs Distribution costs are shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs. The distribution costs listed in this column are expenses that have the category freight.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.


By Order Month

Column name Explanation
Month This is the month in which the order is created according to the order date on the order.

The order date is specified in the Order Details of the Sales Order.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Costs of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Distribution costs Distribution costs are shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs. The distribution costs listed in this column are expenses that have the category freight.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.


By Delivery Month

Column name Explanation
Month This is the month in which the order is created according to the order date on the order.

The order date is specified in the Sales Order Delivery Details.
Revenue, lot lines This is the revenue you have received from the sale of the SKUs / lot lines.
Revenue, service lines This is the revenue of the service linesthat might be on the order. This could be beverages with deposits, services, wage labor etc.
Total revenue This is the total revenue based on revenue from product line and service lines minus any discounts.
Costs of goods This is the total cost price of the SKU incl. purchase price, shipping charges, processing costs etc.
Gross Profit This is how much you earn when all the costs have been drawn from the revenue.
Distribution costs Distribution costs are shipping costs, packing costs, etc. that you have linked to your sales order as costs. The distribution costs listed in this column are expenses that have the category freight.
Contribution Margin The contribution margin shows how much has been earned after the sales costs to pay the fixed costs.This is the turnover (sales price) minus the costs for purchases of raw materials and packaging, expenses such as freight and other budget items.
Contribution Margin Percentage (Coverage ratio) The coverage ratio shows how much of the turnover is to cover the fixed costs and is calculated on the basis of the contribution margin. The coverage ratio is stated as a percentage.



If you want to create your own sales report, which contains the exact information of your needs, you can create a pivot table. Your data is already in tabulated form - which means, that every single type of data is in separate columns, to ensure the data is compatible when generating a pivot table.

Click the tab Extraction in the sales report, and click XLSX in the upper right corner. By this, a spreadsheet is generated for download, which can then be adjusted to your needs.

Most spreadsheets has a pivot function. It varies from sheet to sheet, how the pivot table is generated. You can do an internet search, by entering e.g. “Pivot table excel” into your search engine.
