
Documentation of tracezilla

Create credit note and adjust quantity of SKUs

See how to create a credit note and adjust the quantity of goods on an order. When you correct the quantity on a lot line, the goods will get back in stock. By following this tutorial, a credit note will be created for the quantity of goods that the customer did not receive anyway.

You will find more tutorials to create credit notes due to specific reasons here.

The quantity of some SKUs needs to be adjusted / The customer was invoiced for some goods that they did not receive

  1. Go to the relevant sales order.
  2. Click Re-open order.
  3. Click the blue button with three dots. Select Edit. Re-open sales order and edit
  4. Enter the correct number in the field Quantity. Click Save.
  5. Please note: If service lines have been added to the order, remember to update these. Click the tab Service Lines and then click Re-Calculate on the right side.
  6. When all corrections have been made, click Create +/- invoice. Create credit note as a plus minus invoice
  7. Check that all informations in the dialog window is correct. If relevant, write a comment in the field Remarks.
  8. Click Create first as Draft.
  9. Click View document and check that the credit note is correct. If it is correct then click Re-sync and Finalize.
  10. Send the document to the customer.
