Manufacturing & Recipes
Produce with end-to-end traceability and automatic stock pull
tracezilla provides the tools for an efficient management of your production

This is how tracezilla helps your company

Productions with automatic pick of ingredients
Automate your pick of ingredients for productions and keep track of traceability and finances.
Make production orders that automatically adjusts your inventory and keeps track of traceability and waste.
A production order takes out the raw materials from the inventory and adds the manufactured goods. The new cost price of the goods is calculated automatically.
You can do production orders for your own productions or for productions made by contract manufacturers. In the latter case, you can plan the transport of raw materials and finished goods based on the production order.
Automate your production orders using recipes! Recipes will add ingredients and end product(s) automatically to your production order in the calculated quantities.
With recipes, tracezilla can automatically add the expected costs of your production to the cost price of the individual end product.
In the organic mass balance, recipes are the base for calculating your expected consumption and production of organic goods.

Full insight into your food-processing
Dive into your production figures and get new insight about your production flows.
Production reports provide significant insight into yields, cost prices and deviations from your recipes.
You can dive into single productions or get an overview of tendencies over time.
The reports help you identify potential for improvement and minimise waste.

tracezilla has really optimised the management of our warehouse, logistics and production

tracezilla has really optimised the management of our inventory, logistics and production
Read the full customer story