Cost Breakdown
The Cost Breakdown Report breaks down your costs thus making it apparent where the costs are.
You can view your expected and actual costs distributed on orders, lots, suppliers and customers. And you can view them per category, i.e. freight, labour costs, purchase price, packaging, warehouse, etc.
- Click Financials in the top menu and select Cost Breakdown in the drop-down menu.
- Use the filters on the left to view the cost breakdown for a specific lot, supplier, order or SKU. And select whether you want to see expected or actual costs.
- In the tabs, you can view costs By SKU/Raw material, By Lot/Entry, By Supplier, By SKU or By SKU/UoM.
- If you put on a filter, the costs in each of the tabs will only apply for the supplier, lots, SKU or order you selected in the filter. If you did not apply any filters, the costs in the tabs will apply for all suppliers and orders.
- You can view the report in a printer friendly format. Click the button Printer friendly in the upper right corner.
- You can export the report to Excel. Click the button XSLX in the upper right corner.
By SKU / Raw materials
In this tab you see the costs of SKU’s divided by raw materials.
Column header | Explanation |
Stock Keeping Units | This is the SKU to which the cost applies. |
Unit of Measure | This is the UoM entered for the specific SKU. |
Qty UoMs | This is the quantity total of units consumed in the production of the SKU. |
Cost Price | This shows the cost price of the raw materials. |
Each | This is how much the cost price of the raw material makes up of the unit price of the finished product. |
Total | This is the total costs of the units consumed in production. |
By Lot / Entry
Column header | Explanation |
Order type | This is the order type of the inbound order line which contributes to the cost of the lot. This can be a purchase order, production order or warehouse order. |
Number | This is the order number of the inbound order line. |
Delivery Date | This is the date of delivery. This date is entered in the orderhead in the tab Delivery Details |
Value Added Date | This date will typically be the same as the delivery date. If the extension Actual Cost Pricing is enabled, this is the invoice date pulled from your accounting system. |
Origin | This is the origin of the costs. It can eather be from a budget post or an expense. |
Lot number | This is the lot number which enables traceability. This can be the auto-generated lot number, or the lot number entered in traces. |
Supplier | This is the name of the supplier if a purchase order is entered in the filters on the left. |
Category | The category can be freight, labour costs, purchase price, packaging etc. The costs from freight, labour and analysis are distributed on the goods on the basis of weight. The highest cost will be applied to the lot with the highest weight. |
Expense no. | If the Origin is an Expense the expense number will be shown. |
Memo | This can be a text of choice or the lot number. If a purchase order is entered in Filters the memo will be the lot number. |
Each | This is the UoM’s value contribution to the cost price. |
Total | This is the total value contribution to the cost price of the produced lot. |
By Supplier
Column header | Explanation |
Supplier | This is the partner (supplier) the cost applies to. |
Total | This is the total costs of the goods and services the partner have supplied you with. |
Category | This is the cost per category per supplier. The category can be freight, labour costs, purchase price, packaging etc. You can switch the category view by clicking the purple arrow to the right under the button XSLX. |
Column header | Explanation |
Stock Keeping Unit | This is the SKU to which the cost applies. |
Unit of Measure | This is the UoM entered for the specific SKU. |
Total | The expected costs are calculated on the basis of the budget posts on purchase and production orders. The actual costs are the costs indicated on the invoice you receive for your goods. |
Category | The category can be freight, labour costs, purchase price, packaging etc. The costs from freight, labour and analysis are distributed on the goods on the basis of weight. The highest cost will be applied to the lot with the highest weight. |
Column header | Explanation |
Stock Keeping Unit | This is the SKU the cost applies to. |
Unit of Measure | This is the UoM entered for the specific SKU. |
Total | The expected costs are calculated on the basis of the budget posts on purchase and production orders. The costs are per unit of measure. The measuring unit is setup on the SKU. The actual costs are the costs indicated on the invoice you receive for your goods. The costs are per unit of measure. The measuring unit is setup on the SKU. |
Category | The category can be freight, labour costs, purchase price, packaging etc. The costs from freight, labour and analysis are distributed on the goods on the basis of weight. The highest cost will be applied to the lot with the highest weight. |