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Extended producer responsibility for packaging
Do your company need to comply with extended producer responsibility for packaging?
Depending on your country, your company may be subject to legislation on extended producer responsibility for packaging. Many initiatives place the responsibility - and the costs - for waste management of packaging with the companies that send packaging and packaged products to the market in their home country. Therefore, it will be crucial to have a detailed overview of the packaging consumption in your company - and tracezilla can help you achieve this.
Get an overview of packaging consumption
It is now possible to register how your SKUs are packaged. Having this registered will allow you to automatically generate an overview of your packaging consumption in the packaging fractions that are relevant for your company.
The packaging overview is an extension of the Quantity declarations function which can already be used for handling taxes, deposits and allergens. The feature is available to all users of tracezilla, regardless of the subscription type.
How it works in tracezilla
In tracezilla you can create the packaging fractions that are relevant for your company. In total eight factions are available; plastic, glass, cardboard, paper, food and beverage cartons, ferrous metals, aluminum and wood. In addition, mixed material can also be chosen.
You can choose whether the individual packaging fraction is recyclable, non-recyclable or dangerous, and you can register whether the packaging ends up as private household waste or commercial waste.
If you use several types of the same fraction, e.g. plastic for both the sales packaging (primary packaging) and the colli packaging (secondary packaging), it is possible to create several packaging fractions for plastic.
With the right packaging fractions created, the packaging consumption of the individual SKU can be registered. Then, when it is time to report the packaging consumption in your company, you can easily find the overview in a report which collects data to fit the reporting requirements.
The background for the extended producer responsibility for packaging
All EU countries are covered by the EU’s Directive on packaging and packaging waste which has required the individual countries to implement national measures according to the directive.
In Denmark, the 2022 agreement on extended producer responsibility for packaging and single-use plastic products is now in operation. Collection of packaging consumption data is managed by Dansk Producentansvar. You can read more about the Danish programme at Miljøstyrelsen.
Similar initiatives are in place in both Sweden and the UK, among others. Read more at Naturvårdsverket and GOV.UK
If you want to learn more about the new feature, you are most welcome to contact tracezilla support via chat, phone or e-mail.
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