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Get ready for the new year with these exciting updates

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You have probably seen a notification window in tracezilla telling you that you need to reload the page. This window apperas for all users when we push out new updates or small bug fixes. After clicking the Reload tracezilla button you will stay on the same page, so reloading the page does not disturb your work.

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Price lists and discounts

Pricing has become even easier in tracezilla. You can now link discounts to price lists. You can also switch between matrix, records and discounts. The Matrix tab shows all items regardless of whether you have entered a price or not, Records shows all added prices and Discounts allows you to see all added discounts and add new ones. You have still the possibility to export and import prices, but you can now also add discounts to your pricelist via the import function.

Price lists

The automatically added discount coming from a price list will be displayed on the lot line on sales orders. The same discount is also automatically added as a service line under the tab Service lines.

You can also manually add a discount to your item in the Discount field if it is relevant.

Discounts on sold items

IMPORTANT! It is still possible to add automatic discounts using automatic order lines or manual discounts under the Service Lines tab. So if you use automatic order lines for discounts, you can continue with it.

Improvements to the production module & recipes

Calculate waste

We have made it even easier to register packaging waste in tracezilla. You can now easily calculate the amount of packaging waste for your finished goods based on the amounts of waste you have registered on your raw materials.

Recipe - Calculate waste

You can also calculate waste under Warehouse > Articles.

Articles - Calculate waste

Not sure how to handle the extended producer responsibility in tracezilla? Take a look at this tutorial where we explain the functionality step by step.

Calculate allergens and see allergens in recipes

You can fetch allergens from raw materials to finished goods via recipes. This can be done in recipes or in the SKU overview, in the same way as the Calculate waste function.

Now you can also see allergens in the recipe settings.

Recipe - Calculate allergens and see allergens

Default setting for compound ingredients

Now you can set a default setting for compound ingredients. This way you do not need to remember to do this manually for compound ingredients in your recipes. Ingredients - New standard setting

New database update from Frida Food

We have pulled a newer update from Frida Food. Among other things the calculation of salt and carbohydrates has been updated.

Important: Remember always to do quality assurance of nutritional values etc. suggested by tracezilla.

Update from Frida Food

Expected manufacturing waste

We have added a new field, Expected manufacturing waste for consumed SKUs in recipes. The amount is added to the expected quantity on production orders. The amount will not be included in nutritional values or ingredient lists.

Expected manufacturing waste

There are three options for adding waste on recipes, namely one-time consumption, expected evaporation (previously called expected shrinkage) and expected manufacturing waste. The three types of waste are different from each other and should be used accordingly. Definitions and descriptions of use can be found in our tutorial Recipes.

Expiry date in the inventory valuation report

We have added a new column to the inventory valuation report under the tab By lot: Expiry Date.

Inventory Valuation Report - Lots - Expiry Date

Delivery time

You can now specify a delivery time span on purchase, production and sales orders.

The time is shown in the following documents: Order Confirmation, Proforma Invoice, Transport Booking, Delivery Note, Release Note

Delivery time - Documents

New cubes in Power Pack extracts

Power Pack is a popular extension module that makes it easy to create tailored reports, dashboards and documents. We have added two new cubes: Invoice Lines and Delivery Lines.

Power Pack Extracts - New Cubes

Are you curious about Power Pack? Read more here or book a free introduction.

Company settings

Default settings for articles

Now you can choose default settings for articles. This is done under Company Settings > Basic Settings for Master Data > Stock Keeping Units under the tab Defaults ​​for new SKUs.

Standard settings for articles

Standard setting for GS1 pallet labels

Now you can choose a standard setting for printing two pages per GS1 pallet label. This way you do not need to edit print settings when you print pallet labels. You find this setting in Company settings > Labels and symbols > GS1 pallet label.

GS1 pallet labels

Order lists with summary

Now you can print an order list with a summary on top of the document. This can be done with purchase, sales, production order, and inventory order lists.

Order list with summary

Automatic order lines can be based on package quantity

If you use package settings (under the Other tab in the article settings), you can now base automatic automatic order lines on the estimated number of packages.

Automatic service lines - Base quantity on estimated parcel qty

Lot numbers can be reused

Now you can reuse the same product batch number for severak incoming order rows.This may be relevant, for example, when you receive a production in several parts and want to use the same batch number and want to use the same lot number.

ATTENTION! This needs to be activated in Company Settings. Please contact tracezilla support for more information if you are interested in this feature.

Create lots - Use existing lot number

New partner setting

Now you can choose to split lines per pallet if you have two SSCC numbers for the same lot.

You find this setting in the partner settings under Misc. > Settings > Documents.

Partner settings > Documents

Need more information or help?

Do not hesitate to contact our support if you have any questions or concerns about the new updates, or if you want to get started with any of the add-on modules (Power Pack, Tasks & Controls and B2B Commerce).



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